Certification of fruit exporters in Ghana

Bäuerinnen in Ghana

We support Ghanaian agricultural businesses in meeting international quality requirements - enabling them to access international markets.

Tropical fruits from Ghana are in high demand internationally. At the same time, many local producers do not meet the quality requirements of international buyers and cannot export their products. Because prices on the local market are low, farmers earn very little from their products. We therefore support producing and processing companies to meet quality requirements and to obtain the corresponding certificates. So far, 14 companies (five of them women-led) with around 3000 contract farmers have already been supported by means of training and consultancy in setting up quality management systems and establishing internal inspection mechanisms. Technical specialists provide intensive support for GLOBALG.A.P., HACCP, FSSC 22000 or organic certification, which are in demand on the international market. 

By obtaining these certifications, producers meet the requirements of African and European importers and gain access to regional and international markets. The quality certificates enable them to achieve higher prices, allowing the producers to earn more. The sustainable farming methods associated with the certificates also ensure that natural resources are conserved, thus maintaining agricultural productivity in the long term.