Training materials: the new EU organic regulation

The new EU Regulation 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products brings many changes. It therefore poses a challenge for organic producers, processors, and traders especially in countries outside of the European Union. It entails, for example, changes in the areas of organic plant and animal production as well as group certification for smallholder farmers.

To inform organic companies about the changes in the new EU organic regulations, the Alliance for Product Quality in Africa and the GIZ project Supporting Sustainability Aspects in the Implementation of EU Economic Partnership Agreements are offering a webinar series for agricultural advisors in 13 African countries. These advisors are thereby capacitated to identify the impacts of the new regulation on organic agricultural and processing activities. Furthermore, they are supported to impart the information with the companies they advise.

Up to today, close to 200 agricultural advisors have participated in one of the three-day webinars. The handbook of the trainings in English and French can be found here.

You will find here the following accompanying materials to the Training Handbook: The New EU Organic Regulation (2018/848) for Producer Groups: